
How to Rank on Amazon 2024


How to Rank on Amazon 2022

what's happening guys  today i would like to focus on ranking now product ranking is getting your product to organically show up at the highest of certain keyword searches that customers type into amazon in order that they search for a product how high does one show how high does your listing show for that keyword so i'm getting to be that specialize in ranking today and specifically a tool which can assist you with certain links for ranking your product now many of you'll remember that tool called sellerize which was a chrome extension which might help you request reviews from customers now it's actually still a free chrome extension that you simply can download and use for free of charge to request reviews and i definitely recommend that but sellerize also features a bigger dashboard a suite of tools and as you recognize they are doing things a touch differently which i really like not a bit like your general chrome extensions product database they fix unique problems and that they do this differently so today i would like to be sharing with you ways you'll use this to effectively rank your product track your product ranking and also a number of the opposite unique tools that i just think you are going to seek out useful now on screen here you'll actually see the salaries dashboard now this is often a product we just launched two three weeks ago obviously we'd like to boost up this margin our ppc spins out of control here but that's very normal when launching a product and therefore the very first thing i would like to show you here is that the url builder so if we click through to the present you can see we've all these different urls now url is just like this thing up here but what you'll do thereupon is quite interesting you'll actually insert keywords into that then if you give a customer or a gaggle of individuals on social media your email list your facebook ad campaign if you give them that link it's getting to look as though that customer visited amazon typed therein keyword then found your product and then bought your product and that is going to assist you together with your keyword ranking for that keyword now it sounds simple enough but the matter is that amazon caught on to the present and began inserting a timestamp into urls this way they will see if that timestamp is always an equivalent it means you're trying to quite use this gray hat tactic to rank your product for that keyword it's not an organic search of that keyword on amazon so the timestamp became the matter and this is what sellerize has worked around through various means as i'm getting to explain to you now now you'll see all the various links they offer here but i would like to specialise in a couple of the primary one is that this clean product page and this is often a very simple one now to make this one you would like to insert your products asin so just drop by your ace in here and then we will click on generate now you'll do that for multiple asins if you would like but once you generate you'll see the actual url it's created for you here you can actually create a qr code from this so if you are looking to put this on sort of a product insert or physically somewhere you can actually do this also you'll copy this which i like to recommend you want to repeat all of those urls and save them somewhere that way you've got this list of nice urls which perform certain functions for your product you have them saved somewhere and you'll use those when needed otherwise you can just attend link which i'm getting to do now to show you ways this looks so here you'll see the merchandise we're just using our whiskey glass set as an example again here but it is a clean product page and the purpose of this one is no advertising full specialise in your product no headline search ads looks professional so if you're someone who doesn't want to go the keyword route you would like to completely stay within the safe zone but you do want to possess sort of a more professional link to your product when driving customers this is an honest option now the other i want to seem at here is via the storefront now this is often a stimulating one what this url goes to try to to is it's getting to make it look as if the customer first visited your storefront then typed therein keyword then found your product and then they buy your product so you still get keyword ranking for the keyword but because they are doing that via the storefront it removes the timestamp from the url now for this one you are going to wish your storefront id now to seek out this simply come across to your offering as per normal here in the buy box where it says sold by your store name click on your store name it'll open up this page and then you would like to click on your store name store front this takes us to the storefront now here's our storefront and what's important here within the url you'll see marketplace id this after the equal sign is really your storefront id so we would like to repeat this and drop it in so we're getting to drop that in there and then we're getting to put in our greatest keyword up here followed by our asin and once you fill that in we're getting to click generate again we've those self same options as before but if i show you ways this looks so you can see it just seems like normal however in the url we even have our keyword that we inserted and we have our store id up here so if you share this with a gaggle of customers who are getting to buy your product you're going to urge that ranking but without the timestamp within the url that's why it's via the storefront now the next link i would like to seem at is canonical url and i know tons of you're very interested in this and yes your own listing will have a canonical url that you simply can set in the beginning but you'll also create a canonical url later for your product now the aim of this one among a canonical url is to rank your product in google results so if you ever type during a product name like whiskey glass assail google you'll notice that there are amazon results that come up there when you click on those amazon results it's getting to attend a selected product which is your goal here you want to be the merchandise it clicks through to you want to be that amazon result for that keyword search on google that is what a canonical url is going to assist you do so here again we're getting to choose our market we're getting to drop by our asin and then we're getting to choose five different keywords and then we would like to click generate same options here if we undergo to the present link you'll see it's a bit like a traditional product page up here but during this url we've all five keywords that we just put in there and this if a customer follows this link purchases our product this is giving us an honest chance of ranking for every of these five keywords on google because the amazon result so that is that the goal of this one and why you might prefer to create this and the last one i wanted to share with you is increase cart as you'll see here choose your market drop by that asin and then put during a quantity probably of 1 then we're getting to generate now if we attend link here you are going to see that this puts the merchandise into the customer's cart already and every one they need to try to to is confirm and check out therefore the purpose of this one the add to cart url on sellerize is to place that customer as far along within the purchase decision as possible give them the smallest amount possible to try to to before checkout so you can see here they might literally just click continue and then they go to see out with your product now if we come over to our menu panel here you can see click the likes of button just kidding but on yours you'll actually see keywords and if we attend keyword tracker here you're going to truly be ready to select your product remember this dashboard is linked to seller central you're going to be ready to choose a product drop by all your keywords which you almost certainly have for creating your listing or your ppc campaign and then it's getting to track the ranking

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